Sunday, August 29, 2010

Construction has time for a break...

The construction of the lake has begun at Ve'lke Kozmalovce!

Day 1:
The guys arrived at 8am, but were more than a bit apprehensive of the task ahead of them.  They had never worked on a lake such as we had laid out for them.  I think the digger was a bit worried that he wasn't going to do it right.  After a bit of explaination in a mix of English and rough Slovak I realized that this may take a bit longer than origianlly thought.  But, D got everyone squared away while I continued laying out the design with paint and stakes.  After the guys worked for about a half hour I reviewed everything with them, made some slight changes, and then they were off and running...

Scoop by Scoop the Lake Edge Begins to Take Shape

Things were going pretty well until 3pm...Quiting time?!?!  Really?  3pm?  HUH?!?!? Come on guys, we had about 3 more hours of daylight!  We rectified that issue the next day.

Only Took 3hrs to get 40LF of Edging Dug?

Things went a bit slow on the first day, but it picked up on day 2.

Day 2:
The guys seemed a bit more up-beat when they showed up on the second day.  They understood what they were doing, and how to do it.  I guess this is a big key to getting the work done properly...  They could work on their own for most of the day as I jumped on the Bobcat and started shaping the fill areas.

Day 2 - Lunch Time

Beach Front

Layering of the Waterfall Area

No, I am not digging the lake out with a Bobcat

Day 3:

Day 3 started a bit rough with the Backhoe busting a hydrahlic line and the Bobcat breaking a lock bolt on the bucket. After some maintenance, we were all back up and running.

Yep, I broke it...
But I fixed it...

Treasure Island - Kids' Multi-layered Beach Area Taking Shape

If we don't finish the lake, we will have one great RC racetrack!

After a couple long days it was nice to see the progress.  The plan was to work on Saturday and start cutting in the next level down, the littoral shelf, but about 15 minutes after we quit on Friday the skies opened up and it rained until mid morning the next day.  So, back to Bratislava for the weekend and get ready for a long week ahead.  We leave Slovakia in about 10 days so we have lots of work to complete next week along with getting the lake liner company selected and going to pick out materials and boulders for all the features in and around the lake.


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